Heaven's Gate
For our beloved German Shepherd Dogs that have passed on
(A database to further research in determining the cause of death in the German Shepherd Dog)
Easy Navigation View Summary Analsysis Make an Entry Jack Flash's Homepage Heaven's Gate Homepage


Easy Navigation View Summary Analsysis Make an Entry Jack Flash's Homepage Heaven's Gate Homepage

Here are some basic instructions for using HTML in the "Comments" area of the Heaven's Gate form.
This will enable you to do some neat things in your Comments textarea box when you fill out the form; one such trick is to insert a pic of your dog into your entry, like this...

Jack Flash

The generic code to type for inserting such an image is as follows:
<img src="http://image_url/image_file" width="W" height="H">

Thus an example of the exact code to insert Jack Flash's image above is:
<img src="http://www.mzjf.info/hgate/images/jackf5b.jpg"
 width="235" height="263">
Note: Please do not insert an image that has a width in excess of 400 pixels, or is greater than 25KB in size. If you do, then we are likely to remove the image from your entry because it has a huge negative speed impact for other visitors!

If you wish to include a link to a larger picture, please use the following code instead:-
<a href="http://image_url/image_file" target="_blank">
Please click here to see a picture (new window)
where the image_url and image_file are the same as before. Thus for Jack Flash above, it will look like this:-

Please click here to see a picture (new window)

and the specific HTML code to achieve this looks like this:-
<a href="http://www.mzjf.info/hgate/images/jackf5b.jpg" target="_blank">
Please click here to see a picture (new window)
You can, of course, change the "Please click here to see a picture (new window)" to any other suitable text as and if required.

Please feel free to post links to other sites in the Comments area of the Heaven's Gate form that contain appropriate references to pages similar to the Memorial page here.

The general code to type for linking to a webpage is:
<a href="http://url" target="_blank">Clickable word(s) here</a>
where:- Thus the code to use to link to the Memorial Page above is:
<a href="http://mzjf.com/memorial.htm" target="_blank">
Memorial page here
Important: When referencing by creating any link, either to a page or an image, you MUST include the code target="_blank". That will cause a new browser window to open for that link. If you fail to do this, the new link will REPLACE the page the form is on. Such links are then subject to editing by the site administrator to include the target="_blank" clause. It will not be removed however, as would an inserted picture that doesn't conform to the rules that outlined above.

Note: Some servers prohibit "cross-loading" images from websites that are hosted at those servers. If you know that your server does this, please use the second method of linking your picture, because use of the first method will fail (the picture will not be displayed). If one of the site administrators sees that this has happened to you, they will change it to a link (second method) for you. At this time there are no facilities to actually host your picture on this site, due to webspace considerations.

Miscellaneous HTML tags you might use...
Pressing your ENTER key in the Comments area of the form will cause a line break to appear in your Comments when they are displayed on the Heaven's Gate pages. It is set up to accept HTML - the language of Web pages - and you may use this to link pictures and websites if you desire. It also allows for the following formatting to be achieved:

Please note that you must close HTML tags in the reverse order in which they were opened, or what is displayed may not be exactly what you had in mind. Thus the following example is invalid and may not work correctly:

<i><u>Incorrect method to italicize and underline some text</i></u>

None of the above HTML codes within <brackets> or "carets" will appear in the results of your submission once added to the Heaven's Gate page. You will see them as you type them in the Comments area, but they will be interpreted correctly in the final result. So please don't worry!

Easy Navigation View Summary Analsysis Make an Entry Jack Flash's Homepage Heaven's Gate Homepage

A huge thank you and tons of hugs to Angus Cook for volunteering his time and efforts to get Heaven's Gate working once again. This could not have been accomplished without his help. We are most grateful for your help, Angus! :)

All material on this site, except where indicated, is © M. Zimmerman 2001-2024.
Please click here for a full legal statement (new window)